Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Late Century free essay sample

C 20 Notes What two issues dominated national politics in the 1 sass and sass? The money supply and civil-service reform What happened to James Garfield presidency? It never really got started because he was assassinated soon after coming to office. Describe voter participation during the late nineteenth century. It was generally very highusually from 80 percent up to 95 percent. Why did the federal government tend to ignore the social consequences of industrialization during the late nineteenth century?Most American leaders, regardless of party, believed in the laissez-fairer citrine and did not support a large governmental role in the economy. Where was the Democratic Party strongest in the late nineteenth century? The South What is the Bankers: position on the money supply? Limit, because it would create economic stability What did the civil-service reformers of the late sass and early sass want? A civil service staffed by gentlemen who needed nothing and wanted nothing from government except the satisfaction of using their talents. We will write a custom essay sample on Late Century or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What were goals of the Greenback party?What is the tariff policy of the administration of Benjamin Harrison? A record-high tariff What did the Pendleton Act do? It initiated civil-service reform. Describe the 1 884 presidential campaign. Mumps bolted from the Republican Party. Cleveland admitted he had fathered an illegitimate child. A clergyman denounced Democrats as the party of rum, Aryanism, and rebellion. The Republicans nominated a candidate who Waveland in spoils like a rhinoceros in an African pool. What impact did the McKinley tariff have on tariff rates? It raised tariffs to the highest levels in American history up until that time. What was the Grange?AKA the Patrons of Husbandry It was an organization of farmers that provided social, political and economic support and community What was the main importance of the governments establishment of the Interstate Commerce Commission? It ended the ability of states to regulate railroads within their boundaries. What was the initial commitment of the farmers alliance movement. The movement initially advocated farmers cooperatives and eventually turned to politics. What did Southern Alliance leader Charles Menace argue? Farmers should be able to store crops in government warehouses and then borrow against those crops until prices rose.During the late nineteenth century, what was the relationship between the southern agrarian protest movement and southern attitudes toward blacks? Some Populists wanted to build an interracial movement and tried to defend the rights of blacks. Most southern populists were anti-black but some populists denounced lynching and the convict-lease system. The white elite tried to inflame agrarian racism and stimulate urban black sentiment against agrarian radicalism. What were the goals of the Populist party? It wanted the government to nationalize the railroads. It wanted an increased money supply. It wanted to elect U.S. Senators directly. It wanted to enact a graduated income tax. What tools did southern states use to disenfranchise blacks after Reconstruction ? Literacy tests, poll taxes, grandfather clauses, property requirements In late-nineteenth-century cases dealing with the rights of blacks, what did the Supreme Court decide? What did the Supreme Court argue in Please v. Racial segregation was constitutional as long as each race had equal facilities. What did the separate but equal doctrine mean? As long as facilities were equivalent, they did not have to be integrated. What did Booker T. Washington argue?

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