Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Adolf Hitler Essay Example for Free
Adolf Hitler Essay Adolf Hitler was a notorious dictator over Germany during World War II. Hitler was a unique but complex individual that was heavenly influenced by his upbringing. Hitler became the dictator over Germany during the years of 1933 to 1945. During his dictatorship, Hitler participated in the World War II and was the cause of the Holocaust. The Great Depression provided Hitler with an opportunity to rule. Once Hitler realized the opportunity to overtake Germany, he began to run for fuhrer. Hitler was elected fuherer over Germany in 1933 and began the rise of the Nazi party. When the year of 1935 came around, Hitler had complete power. He started by beginning the Nazi army and separating the Jews from everyone else. The Jews were sent to very brutal concentration camps where they were held hostage and faced with death. At this time the genocide was in full attack. The mass murder of the Holocaust lasted for approximately four brutal years and ended when the American troops invaded Germany and over powered Hitler. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau, Austria, a small town across the Inn river from Germany. (Hoffmanl). Hitler moved to Germany in 1893 and remained there until his death. As Hitler grew up he began to have many feuds within his household. Hitler mainly argued with his father, Alois Hitler. His father did not agree with his interest in art and German nationalism. His interest fueled his evil ways. During Hitlers earlier years as a child his younger brother, Edmund Hitler died. When Edmund died, the family had a falling out and resulted in many problems throughout the family. When Hitler grew up, he moved out of the house and had major money problems. When World War II broke out, Hitler Joined the army and was present in multiple battles. Adolf Hitler pointed out the Jews out of everyone in Germany. Hitler was very active in the German army and participated in World War l. World War I
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Three Most Important Elements of a Manager :: essays research papers
Coming into this new semester I had many expectations. I was a little bit confused by the format being that this is my first time taking on- line classes, but now that we are so close to the end I am glad to have taken this course. I have learned many things on this class. I have also come across different point of views and have gotten some interesting ones from my classmates. The three things that stood out the most are the description of a good motivator, our great leaders and control techniques. For me a good motivator is a person that inspires you to do better in life. In my personal experience that person would be my grandmother. Unfortunately she passed away last year but I will always have her great image in my heart. I believe that she was a great motivation in my life. She would always encourage me to do better at school and work. She also told me to not settle for little but instead to go after my dreams. She was a hard working woman with a big family that always demanded her support and attention. She inspires me so much even now that sheââ¬â¢s not with us. Many of my classmates mentioned their family members and I could relate to that. Huong Do mentioned that his motivators are his parents and his siblings. I believe the reason for him choosing them is because he got to see on a closer look the struggle that they went trough and how they never gave up. This subject also brought us to discuss the great leaders that the world has seen. It is a very similar topic because a great leader is also a great motivator that inspires people to follow his or her cause. A great leader is someone who stands up for certain causes and doesnââ¬â¢t care what people may think of him. They fight for peopleââ¬â¢s right to a better life, for peace and many other things. As I mention on the discussion I donââ¬â¢t think there are any great leaders left. Our society has become so busy and selfish that everyone is trying to look out for themselves. I agree with my classmate Susan Njenga when she tells us on her discussion that we could never see a leader like Ghandi or Martin Luther King .A great leader needs to have so many great qualities and control techniques.
Monday, January 13, 2020
The Effects of Animal Cruelty and Abandonment
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, also known as the ASPIC, is another organization that serves to decrease animal abuse and enforce arrest towards careless pet owners. Among these organizations, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, PETA Is responsible for creating awareness and putting an end to animal cruelty. There are other ways an animal can be a victim of animal cruelty, without actually being harmed. Animal Hoarding, a practice of animal lovers, is ironically another related topic of animal cruelty.In some views, this is an attempt o save the animal, but many other views differ, saying this solution will only cause problems. Even though there are lots of organizations that help prevent animal cruelty and abandonment, there is still more that can be done.Animals should be loved and cherish, Instead of Ignored and neglected, How can this world wide crawls be solved? When animals are abandoned, they naturally begin to reproduce thousands of off spring, and because of this, baby animals roam and start to reproduce at an alarming rate. It has been estimated that more than 50 million cats and dogs live in happy homes in the US.On the contrary, over 50 million cats and dogs have been reported as neglected and abused. People are no longer willing to adopt animals. The population of animals and decreasing interest of owning pets has led to a huge number of animal overpopulation each year. Animal World Network explains that ââ¬Å"For every human born, 7 puppies and kittens are bornâ⬠¦ One female cat and her offspring can produce 420,000 cats in 7 yearsâ⬠¦ One female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 puppies in 6 years. â⬠One half of abandoned animals are taken into shelters and the other half are in the streets.About 61% of dogs and 75% f cats are bought to shelters and are killed because people do not adopt these animals In time. Due to the lack of education, shelter, financial and other resources, cats and dogs are first on the list to be housed In a shelter of the shortest amount of time and first on the list of animals to kill. The Humane Society is a worldwide organization supported by 11 million Americans which was founded in 1954. It is one of the best protection agencies for animals all over the world, raising over a million of dollars in order to create awareness to citizens.The mission of the Humane Society of he United States, HUGS Is to celebrate all breeds of animals and also to confront cruel TTY. HUGS states Tanat teen are ââ¬Å"America's mainstream Torte gallant cruelty exploitation and neglectâ⬠. They confront these issues and provide animals with rescue facilities and clinics for them to get washed, fed and neutered. They are involved in and responsible for organizing meetings, marches, and forums in order to educate society about animal rescue and animal investigations.HUGS holds advertising campaigns to promote adoption for animals so that the nation knows wha t's going on and how they can help. HUGS partner with other associations to trench the message of their organization and create stronger ties with organization with similar missions. One program known as, ââ¬Å"Humane Wildlife Servicesâ⬠, in the D. C metro area help homeowners and businesses with stopping violence towards animals. The Humane Wildlife Services help maintain valid solutions for problems concerning violent neighbors.HUGS strives to stop cruelty targeting ââ¬Å"practices of dog fighting and cook fighting; abusive puppy millsâ⬠¦ Farming inâ⬠¦ Confinements of animal in crates and cagesâ⬠¦ â⬠HUGS does its best to protect all animals and they will continue this mission in confronting animal cruelty on a whole. Another organization that also helps stop animal cruelty is The American Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals known worldwide as the ASPIC. The ASPIC was established in North America in 1866 and still today they are here doing the best that they can offer.The This organization believes that animals should be treated fairly and has healthy environments. The ASPIC are the pioneers of all animal humane organizations, they continue to maintain legal authority to take charge in investigations and arrest criminals that treat animals poorly. The ASPIC claims that it is their mission to ââ¬Å"provide local and national leadershipâ⬠¦ Raring for pet parents and pets, providing positive outcomes for at ââ¬â risk animals and serving victims of animal cruelty'.In other words, ââ¬Å"animal cruelty isâ⬠¦ A serious issueâ⬠¦ N law enforcement and mentalâ⬠. It is very important that people become involved and work to supply quick responses to these acts of criminal behavior. There is an organization like the Humane Society and ASPIC ââ¬â People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, (PETA) is also involved in solving issues on animal cruelty. There was a lady named, ââ¬Å"Ingrain E. Newsier, an autho r and co-founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, who put together essays y people who took the initiative and helped create change. She started PETA in 1980 in her Washington, D. C. Basement to offer people simple vegetarian options and alternatives to products from companies that used animals in research.The nonprofit has grown to 2. 5 million supporters -? the largest animal-rights organization in the world -? and has created a global shift in awareness about the plight of animalsâ⬠. Petal's focus is primarily on animals suffering on farms, clothing trade areas, laboratories, and in industries around the world. To create aware of their cause, PETA works through education. Meetings are held around the world to raise awareness to many people.They visit schools to educate children and adults about their organization. They also work with ââ¬Å"cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, and celebrity involvement, and protest camp aignsâ⬠. PETA exclaims that animals have a Voice' too and all they want is some love to be given towards them. PETA strives to encourage people to take action because it is up to us to make a change. A dichotomous act animal lovers experience is that of animal hoarding. How can animals be negatively affected by people that love to be care for needy animals?I Nils Issue NAS Eden Known to affect as many as u. Animal annually. An extreme case reported there over 800 pets living in one home. When there is see an elderly woman lady, for example, living with 15-20 pets, a problem arises because it is harmful toward those animals, being bunched up together. The are many reasons why animal hoarding is practiced by many people. One of the reasons is that a person experienced a traumatic situation, which induced stress, b living conditions, and tough health problems. A person is then in denial of their owe problems and they in turn look to have large amount of animals to conceal their ow e rife in their lives.Many animals are affected; not Just cats or dogs. Animals such a chickens, snakes, ferrets, birds, goats, rabbits, lizards and many more are affected b animal hoarding. Animal Legal Fund, an organization fighting to protect the lives of animals says that, ââ¬Å"In terms of the number of animals affected and the degree and duration of their suffering, hoarding is the number one animal cruelty crisis facing companion animals in communities throughout the country. â⬠These animals are living bunched up together with no proper equipment to sustain a healthy environment, the start to suffer from unsanitary conditions.In effect, these animals ââ¬Å"are sick, dying and poorly socializedâ⬠. LADY listed ways to decrease the amount of animal hoarding in the world. The first strategy is the use of civil action in stopping animal hoarders and documents these cases as acts of cruelty towards animals. The second strategy is to stop animal hoarding by taxing the h oarder that is doing the crimes, instead of the local taxpayer. When animals are rescued from homes, bundles of them are confiscated and this makes it hard for local agencies and organizations to feed and comfort these animals, because there is not enough none.A majority of the time, money is taxed to the average working person when they had nothing to do with it. LADY suggested that the money should come from the hoarders instead of hard working citizens.. The final strategy, which falls in line wit the first strategy, would be that laws are applied very seriously to situations like HTH There will be sentencing given towards animal hoarders that try to repeat criminal acts. LADY is working hard to stop animal cruelty in society. First time offenders of animal hoarding will be prosecuted according to LADY First Strike and You're Out La.In this essay, many sources were stated to inform readers about animal abandonment and cruelty. Many organizations and facilities are doing everythin g possible to decrease violence towards animals around the world. Has the world ma an improvement? Can society clap for them because of a Job ââ¬Å"well doneâ⬠? NO! I choose this topic because this is a worldwide issue and it should be discussed moor to make change in the future. Animals throughout the world will continue to experience these situations for a long time, but it is so much that people can do. Animals will still be neglected, mistreated and devalued as living, breathing ratters.This worldwide issue needs to stop and it is up to the people to take a stand. Communities have to be willing to give animals Voices' and help them survive We may have thousands of organizations around the world trying very hard to stop animal cruelty but people need to take initiative in their surroundings; people must realize the criminal act and severity of animal abandonment and its reproductions. Slowly many organizations along with individual communities are creating awareness around animal cruelty, however, somewhere in each community there is a lonely animal roaming ten streets omen snouts report tans to Nell ten Animal.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Enron The Smartest Guys in the Room Essay - 1889 Words
The thing I liked most about this documentary was the fact that it focused on the guys at the top, the self-proclaimed smartest men in the room, the so-called geniuses who knew the energy business so much better than the rest of the industry. And what a piece of work these men were. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room shows us how basic human nature does not change, whether its in the easy fall into killing as a means to resolve disputes, or in the incessant human obsession to acquire for acquisitions sake. This all makes for terrible human actions. One particular sequence of the film shows a series of Enron commercials that feature the Enron motto ask why. This rings almost like a corporate version of a Jack the Ripper taunt toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦He was the one who hired Skilling after a similar scandal in the 1980s nearly derailed the company, never concerned with ethics, only profits. Lay even sickeningly and psychotically compares his and Enrons criminal behavior, an d the criticism of it, with the 9/11 attacks. All three started dumping their stock based on their most inside information months before the company tanked, and this forms the bases of the cases against Skilling and Lay, which are underway. Fastow opted to fink out on his bosses, after they set him up as the fall guy. If this film does not prove, once and for all, that the glorious myth of the free market is a fraud, nothing will. On the superficial level, the attitudes and motives behind the events and decisions causing eventual downfall seem simple enough: collective and individual greed created in the atmosphere of corporate arrogance. As Enrons reputation in the global environment grew, the internal culture of the organization began to worsen significantly. Skilling, Enron Chief Executive, founded the Performance Review Committee, PRC, which gained the reputation of the harshest employee-ranking system in the whole country. Theoretically, this review system was based on the valu es of Enron - respect, integrity, communication and excellence (RICE). But at the end of theShow MoreRelatedEnron, the Smartest Guys in the Room.1229 Words à |à 5 PagesEnron, the Smartest Guys in the Room. Enron was involved in Americanââ¬â¢s largest corporate bankruptcy. It is a story about people, and in reality it is a tragedy. Enron made their stock sky rocket through unethical means, and in reality this company kept losing money. The primary value operating among the traders was greed, money, and how to make profits under any circumstance. The traders thought that a good trader is a creative trader and the creative trader can find any arbitrage opportunityRead MoreEnron Smartest Guys On The Room1573 Words à |à 7 PagesThe movie ENRON smartest guys in the room is about one of the biggest corporation corruptions in the United States. In 1985, ENRON Corporation, was a company that delivers pipeline for natural gas and electricity, while mergering with Houston Natural Gas and Internorth. ENRON quickly grew into a reputable company that generated enormous profits. In a short period of time ENRON was considered one of the top global trading company for natural gas, commodities, and electricity. According to the statistic;Read MoreEnron : The Smartest Guys Of The Room Essay1549 Words à |à 7 PagesIntroduction Enron was a Houston based energy, commodities and services company. When people hear the name Enron they automatically associate their name with one of the biggest accounting and ethical scandals known to date. The documentary, ââ¬Å"Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room,â⬠provides an in depth examination of Enron and the Enron scandal. The film does a wonderful job of depicting the downfall of Enron and how the corporate culture and ethics were key to Enronââ¬â¢s fall. As the movie suggests, Enron is ââ¬Å"notRead MoreEnron: the Smartest Guys in the Room1989 Words à |à 8 Pages it took Enron 16 years to go from about $10 billion of assets to $65 billion of assets, and 24 days to go bankruptcy. Enron is also one of the most celebrated business ethics cases in the century. There are so many things that went wrong within the organization, from all personal (prescriptive and psychological approaches), managerial (group norms, reward system, etc.), and organizational (worl d-class culture) perspectives. This paper will focus on the business ethics issues at Enron that wereRead MoreEnron Case : The Smartest Guys Of The Room1149 Words à |à 5 Pages In review of the Enron case, executives higher up exploited their privileges and power, participated in unreliable treatment of external and internal communities. These executives placed their own agendas over the employees and public, and neglected to accept responsibility for ethical downfalls or use appropriate management. As a result, employees followed their unethical behavior (Johnson, 2015). Leaders have great influence in an organization, but policies will not be effectiveRead MoreEnron: the Smartest Guys in the Room Essay1834 Words à |à 8 Pagesthis paper is consider three possible rationales for why Enron collapsedââ¬âthat key individuals were flawed, that the organization was flawed, and that some factors larger than the organization (e.g., a trend toward deregulation) led to Enronââ¬â¢s collapse. In viewing ââ¬Å"Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Roomâ⬠it was clear that all three of these flaws contributed to the demise of Enron, but it was the synergy of their combination that truly let Enron to its ultimate path of destruction. As in any organizationRead MoreEssay on Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room5209 Words à |à 21 Pagesï » ¿Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room Theà Enron scandal, revealed in October 2001, eventually led to theà bankruptcyà of theà Enron Corporation, an Americanà energy company based inà Houston, Texas, and the de facto dissolution ofà Arthur Andersen, which was one of theà five largestà audità and accountancyà partnershipsà in the world. In addition to being the largest bankruptcy reorganization in American history at that time, Enron was attributed as the biggest audit failure. Enron was formed in 1985 byà KennethRead MoreA Film Review of Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room666 Words à |à 3 PagesAbstract This is a review of the movie, Enron: The Smart Guys in the Room. The paper analyses the themes that contributed to the downfall of Enron. It also considers steps that Human Resources would have taken given the chance, in addressing the issues that contributed to the collapse of the Company. Factor That Led To Enrons Downfall According to the documentary Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, it seems that one major reasons that led to Enrons down fall was; unethical corporate behaviorRead MoreEssay about Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room1948 Words à |à 8 Pages it took Enron 16 years to go from about $10 billion of assets to $65 billion of assets, and 24 days to go bankruptcy. Enron is also one of the most celebrated business ethics cases in the century. There are so many things that went wrong within the organization, from all personal (prescriptive and psychological approaches), managerial (group norms, reward system, etc.), and organizational (world-class culture) perspectives. This paper will focus on the business ethics issues at Enron that wereRead MoreThe Smartest Guys At The Room : The Amazing Rise And Scandalous Fall Of Enron1654 Words à |à 7 Pagesââ¬Å"The Smartest Guys In the Roomâ⬠the amazing rise and scandalous fall of Enron goes into great detail of what happens when a com pany has no ethics. It could be said that ethics was the last thing on the minds of the executives that worked at Enron. People employed at Enron cared about two things the stock price of the company, and the money they could put in their own pockets. This was what caused the fall of one of the biggest energy companies in the U.Sâ⬠¦ Enron failing did not happen overnight it
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